About Us

Dishari Pouro Palli Sangstha popularly known as DPPS, is a non-political, non-profit and non-governmental local voluntary organization was formally establish in 1st January’1993 and started its activities with its own resources in the community of a small remote village named PurbaTanggarpara under Char Sherpur union of Sherpur District. DPPS is currently working in both rural and urban areas of Sherpur, Jamalpur and Mymensingh districts. DPPS is established with a purpose to alleviate poverty and to make the vulnerable group, specially landless and small farmer family’s self-reliance through group formation, training, income generating activities, non-formal education, local resource mobilization, women development and undertaking need and problem solving programs. It has gained a long experience to implement various types of development activities with participation of community people and different local, national and international organizations. In the meantime some of these activities successfully phase over with in schedule time and some are remaining.


About Us

Dishari Pouro Palli Sangstha popularly known as DPPS, is a non-political, non-profit and non-governmental local in Sherpur District.


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